
  • The Way Beyond

    "An Overview of Spiritual Practices" by William Mikulas.

    This is an out-of-print book made freely available online with the author's knowledge. This book is offered for free distribution. Please do not sell this book.

    This is a book about what you should do, not about what you should believe. What you should do if you wish to maximize your potential; satisfy your basic yearnings; have peak experiences. To accomplish all this, the author provides a practical overview of five spiritual practices to be used as guidelines: meditation, concentration, mindfulness, opening the heart, and reducing attachments.

    Tech: asciidoc, pandoc, calibre.

  • Sudoku Solver

    A client-side WebApp for solving Sudoku puzzles.

    Tech: Plain vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, HTML.

  • Dhammapada Reader

    A random quote generator. Words of Wisdom from the Buddha.

    Tech: Plain vanilla JavaScript, HTML.

  • GRE Flashcards

    Flashback! The year was 1999 and I was studying for the GRE. Another simple WebApp to help increase your vocabulary.

    Tech: client-side JavaScript, HTML.

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